Astaro AP30 Teardown
Written 2010-12-23
Tags:AP30 WiFi Access Point CCCKC Astaro
I was given access to an Astaro AP30 access point.
So I took it apart.
Also, the serial port appears to speak 56K @ 3.3Volts.
Good grief. The antennas are glued down. At least they used a standard coax connector, U.FL.
Also, the CPU has a heatsink! A heatsink for a microcontroller.
Here's what the serial port says on powerup:
ASIC 3052_MP2 (Port5<->None)
Product Name: EAP9550
SDRAM CAS = 3(d1835272)
Please choose the operation:
1: Load system code to SDRAM via TFTP.
You choosed trigger_button--->0x1