BreezeCom BreezeAccess AP with Special Guests: Charles Huber and Doug Kelly

Written 2011-04-21

Tags:teardown Serial BreezeAccess BreezeCom Serial port 

Today we took apart a BreezeCom BreezeAccess AccessPoint.
BreezeCom BreezeAccess

Charles is excited to begin disassembling the device

The electronics come on two boards, connected with a .1 pitch header
BreezeAccess Electronics

Here's what each side of both boards looks like
BreezeAccess Boards
BreezeAccess Boards
BreezeAccess Boards
BreezeAccess Boards

The serial console settings are conveniently exposed on the outside of the device on a 3x1 .1 pitch locking connector. The settings are 9600 baud, 8N1. Once on the serial console, Doug explored many options and menus. Some are only accessible by 'authorized users'.
BreezeCom BreezeAccess

This documentation might match the device we took apart
breezeCom.txt is a serial capture of talking to the device