Running Hulu on Android
Written 2011-01-29
Tags:User agent Mac OS X Flash Hack Web browser Android Adobe Flash
***Don't try this at home. Don't blame me if it breaks your phone. It didn't break my phone though.***
What flash version should we use? Since the 'Desktop' user-agent option emulates an Intel Mac running 10.5, "MAC 10,1,103,19" is a valid OS X flash version. (You can find this by asking a friend with a Mac to go check their flash version.)
If you have a hexeditor on your phone, you can do this without ADB. I used ADB because I haven't yet installed my favorite hexeditor, Pixel's Hexedit, on my phone.
- Close all browsers ( use a task killer )
- adb pull /data/data/com.adobe.
flashplayer/lib/ /tmp/ - cp /tmp/ /<backup-path>/
- Use hexeditor to change flash version to "MAC 10,1,103,19"
- adb push /tmp/ /data/data/com.adobe/flashplayer/lib/
At this point, I cleared all caches, cookies, and history from my browser and rebooted my phone. Finally, and before going to, set your user-agent to desktop mode, which acts like an Intel Mac.
And then...
The sound is clean, but the videos are pretty laggy. I'll have to try this on a friend's phone to see if a newer, perhaps 1+GHz CPU, will improve things.